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Why lam cam is a dumbass nigger

Why lam cam is a dumbass nigger

For thousands of years, idiots and morons have plagued God’s green Earth, but now, in the midst of the beginning in the 21st century. Surrounded by the bustling city of Hanoi, lies the dumbest motherfucking idiot in the history of mankind, his stupidity is unimaginable and the piece of shit that I took yesterday is worth more than his intelligence. In fact, I had to spend 1.7 million dollars just to get that negroid into this school. His name?

Chu Hoàng Lâm.

The stupidity of that judeo-bolshevik is unbelievable. He fails to comprehend simple facts and terms. Calling him a dumbass is an insult to all dumbasses. His pure fucking brainless ass discombobulated Darwin’s theory of evolution because his jewish black ass is devolving into something that I don’t even want to know. I’m genuinely befuddled, bewildered, absolutely baffled by the stupidity that Chu Lâm Câm has.

He barely has two braincells, if you can even call them that, and those two fucking braincells are fighting for fourth place. He cannot even argue to save his mothers life, not that he has one anyway. It’s like the Gods maxed his height but absolutely shitted on his intelligence and basic logical thinking system.

Chu Lâm Nigga is a worthless piece of dogshit, he is a disgrace to mother nature. Jesus Christ didn’t die for this nigga to be born without sin. Not even Noah can carry this fucking animal. He is as useless as the fucking condom his parents used, and his parents doesn’t even exist! It is an insult to ANYBODY that have to breath in the same fucking air as him. Hell, to be on the same planet as him is an unfortunate fate for everybody.

Many have thought of theories why aliens haven’t reached, but the truth is. They don’t want ANYTHING to do with the Lâm Câm. That’s right, not even aliens, the fucking red goblins from 32,7 thousand light years away don’t want anything to do with Lâm Câm. That’s how utterly useless and stupid Lâm Câm is. His thoughts are made by shit and piss. If he ever had a smart thought, it died alone and afraid.

Lâm is so stupid he is the fucking reason why shampoo has instructions on how to use, and he doen't even know how to use them. If he were to be in an orphanage for kids with down syndrome he would be the most brainless one there.

In loving memory of Hang Pig, our savior, who died a hero gallantly exterminating the putrid LAMCAM (2010-NEVER DIES!)

(Hang Pig)